May her soul rest in peace. It sure was an eventful life.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens .... Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens ....Brown paper packages tied up with strings .... These are a few of my favorite things .... When the dog bites .... When the bee stings .... When I'm feeling sad ....
I simply remember my favorite things ....
And then I don't feel so bad
“You want to think and say that you have everytning you need, but then you realize that something is missing, someone is missing... and once you think you've found it, it goes and disappears on you and you don't understand what to do or even where to start looking for that missing piece of the puzzle. You sit at home in lonely frustration and you just wait...wait...and wait. No where to look, no one to look for...”
~ I didn't write it. And I neither know nor care who did~
It is perfectly human to loath Chocolates, Ice Creams and other Sweets. There is no scientific/mythic/religious proof that only aliens loath them. Even if it is so, it is preferable to be an alien than feel pukish after having them.
It is absolutely possible to remain thin/underweight without the help of any exercise/diet. Especially so, if the whole family is like that.
There is nothing to stare with your mouth open when somebody thinner than you hogs more than you do.
There is no law in even the most anarchic of countries that prohibits to stumble while you walk.
Not being a movie freak doesn't mean you live in 5th century.
Being a girl doesn't necessitates to say Chooo Chwweet and Choo Cute with every other sentence.
Capital punishment is not meant for a bad dressing/make-up sense.
It is possible to get bored of music in 5 minutes.
It is not impossible to live a peaceful and happy life even if the only sport known is Jumping Jacks. Better, if you know NONE.
No sports ~ says Winston Churchill
Eating with spoons doesn't necessarily mean you are sophisticated. You can be plain lazy to clean your hands.
No restaurant prohibits people who sit squat legged and dine.
The knowledge on different types coffee/tea/other beverages served in Cafe Coffee Day is not a measure of your IQ.
It is not a psychic disorder to spend money on books. It is even less so to read what you buy.
It is always possible to eat what you cook even when that seems impossible to others.
There is nothing wrong in not having a driving license.
It is pardonable if you say kuntry for country.
Rice can be eaten all five times a day.
5'2" is not a fatal disorder.
One blunder per day is absolutely normal.
There is nothing disgraceful or to be proud of in admitting/being a mallu. It is nothing more or less than being an Maharashtrian/Tamilian/Kashmiri/Bihari.
Going abroad need not be the ultimate goal of everyone’s life.
Knowing Hindi doesn't include knowing to count in Hindi.
Hyderabadi Hindi is perfect.
You are not necessarily dumb if you ask Pardon Me after every other sentence. The person who is speaking to you can be vague or wrong.
To not fight for the TV remote is not the indication of going mentally retarded.
Having an opinion on everything under the sun can be fatal. Keeping your mouth shut is an art. Even better, if you know how to smile and nod when you are irritated to the core.
It is always better to let go of the argument than waste your energy on arrogant brats who think they just can't be wrong.
Learn to fake. Learn to live.
It is not necessary to consider everyone else as of inferior quality. You can always treat them, atleast, as equals and acknowledge and respect their experince and knowledge. This stands even if you think you are the most brilliant/creative/whatever.
Boys don't cry. I am not a boy.
Girls need not cry. I am still a girl.
Cowboys/SuperMen/Pirates do exist. If they don't, you can always be the first.
Being a non-veggie doesn't mean you live on a staple diet of Chicken/Mutton/Beef/Pork. You can live on a staple diet of fish as well.
Your best friend can get married. Yup, it happens. And the whole rules change (I guess).
Fish is a vegetable.
Chilies are vegetable too.
And last but not the least, coconut adds to the taste.